Order of Grace Compliance, LLC is a newly established company that is SBE, DBE, MBE & WBE certified. Our primary service that we provide is labor compliance management as well as support.
The company itself is operated and owned by husband and wife Cameron & Monique Nettles. Together, they possess over 10 years of professional experience in providing thorough and precise care in regards to labor laws. Order of Grace Compliance is no stranger to managing tall tasks and has worked on various projects; both federal and state funded.
Order of Grace Compliance LLC, is ready to receive your business and help you manage your next project.


Monique Nettles
Founder and Principal
Monique has been working as an independent contractor for over 10 years in the Labor Compliance Industry. Contains a wealth of information in regards to Labor Laws and how to prevent companies from taking on unnecessary risks. She also has a strong passion in making sure that employees are paid proper wages and companies are abiding by the rules.

Cameron Nettles
Minority Owner
Cameron also has been working as an independent contractor in the Labor Compliance Industry. Formerly, he was in education and has a strong desire to help people with wisdom and tact. He and his wife share the drive for making sure people are treated fairly and according to the legal standard.